Employment Connections & Development


This new project (2024) will support and promote the economic advancement of newcomers in the province by way of providing effective job readiness and job search skills, supports, and workplace-based and diverse community-based language training for both newcomers and locals.

We work with individuals and employers to determine precise skills and experience needed to ensure efficient job skills matching. Assist with recruitment, hiring, community connections and follow-up resulting in retention of qualified individuals in meaningful employment.

Connect with newcomers and locals to offer job skills training, resume building, mentorship, and collaborative community awareness.

Resume Building and Skills Matching

Inviting individuals to submit resumes; connecting with potential employers to match skills. Providing assistance with resume updates or create a new, easily updatable digital resume. Send your resume today!

Mentorship and Career Development

Providing training and workshops to improve career development while informing individuals about job opportunities and services.

Employment Connections

Networking with employers to identify job openings and connecting people with job opportunities in the region. See our list of current Jobs in the Region.

'Careers in the Labrador Straits'
'Careers in the Labrador Straits' (larger version)

'Careers in the Labrador Straits': Profiles

SLDA's Employment Connections & Development Office will be creating 'profiles' on individuals in the area, who have decided to make a home here in the Labrador Straits area & Start a Career here.

*This profiles will be located under the 'Gallery' section.*

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